Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 1 - Arrival in WUHAN!

The day that 43 representatives ( 22 from Multidiscipline Engineering [MDE] & 21 from Life Science & Chemical Technology [LSCT] ) coming from Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Singapore embark on a journey to Wuhan, a city in central China, for a total of 34 days !

(MDE) Group Photo! =D

The flight from Singapore to Wuhan was pretty much interesting because we have to take a transit flight at Guangzhuo just to get to Wuhan. This is something that i have yet to experience because usually there's direct flights to the destination that i need to get to.. Although it was interesting, it somehow gives you the mind torturing effect because of the long hours we have to be on the flight.

After finally arriving in Wuhan, we had to move off to the car-park to get onto the coaches for WUST. The surprising part here was that our luggage were not loaded on the bottom of the coach, but we had to manually transport our luggage up into the coach, 1 for luggage and 1 for fetching all of us there. I was one of the 'lucky' few to be chosen to stay in the coach for luggage because some of us guys were helping out.

Hard Labour! =Y
WOOO! Now we have finally reached WUST! It's been a long day for all of us I believe and I'm sure everyone of us would love to be in our dreamland as soon as possible, but that was definitely not going to happen just yet!
We had to check into our rooms, clean it up a little, unpack our luggage, made sure we had some of the necessities we need such as bottled drinks & toilet rolls, take a cosy bath, relax our mind and soul, adjust our body and mind and adapt to the surroundings, and finally, SLEEP!

Reflections !! :
Having past experiences going to overseas for exchange programmes or on a voluntary trip may not mean that you're a professional when it comes to travelling around the world.
Because every new trip, means a totally whole new different place, different experience, different culture, and definitely different people you will have to interact with!
Of course, it gives you a slight advantage as to the CQ (Cultural Intelligence) that makes yourself easily adaptable to new places and surroundings.

This brings us to the next stage, whereby all the CQ you yourself have, to be put into good use!
By helping your fellow friends as well as newly bonded friendships, to quickly adapt to the new place, so as to make them feel like they're not too far away from home.
This will surely make this trip for them, as well as yourself, to be much enjoyable and memorable in everyone's heart.
I have always admired people that are willing to step out of their boundary and at least attempt to try out new things or new opportunities that they may not be able to get in the future. Therefore, this bunch of people, I hope, will prove me right with what I have in mind about them.

Finally, to end off today's post, there's a quote that I find it interesting and applicable to us now. =)

" The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. "
Lao Tzu

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yu Chuan,
    It is definitely true to experience and learn something new when you travel to different parts of the world. Learning and building up your CQ is surely an important step in enlarging your circle of friendship and relationships. It may probably help you in your future careers. Take care and best regards, Lim Choon Boo
