Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 10 - Make a DIFFERENCE!

Hurray! We finally got a day without any classes! However, it was an off day not for us to relax and play in WUST; it was actually to allow us to have more time to prepare for our first stage of project presentation! 

Each group has to prepare a Statement of Work (SOW) and the Work Structure Breakdown (WBS) about the video project that all groups have to submit at the end of our OIP trip. So, preparing the SOW and WBS is in a way, making us start on our final project! Let the stress flows within us!

In preparation!
Verdict time!
Finally after our presentation and sumptuous dinner, it was the time to fly the wishing lanterns!  Most of us gathered at a badminton court just outside our hostel to attempt flying it. It was pretty cool seeing how the wishing lantern flew into the big dark sky, somewhat like the only light in a dark enclosed room. Anyway, we had FUN! =D

Having FUN!

The end of Mid-Autumn Festival 10'!

Seeing how the small little wishing lantern flew into the dark sky and lighted up the surrounding, it triggered to me that no matter how small any contribution is to any event, it does make a different! 

For example, sometimes people feel that just donating a few cents to any charity is not going to make much difference, but imagine if all of us donates a few cents together, it does accumulate to become something big! If you want influence others to be nice or kind-hearted, you can start being nice or kind-hearted first to make the difference! Who knows? You may be able to change someone for the better and most importantly, you changed yourself for the better! Be the light that shines in people! 

"It is the greatest of all mistakes to do nothing 
because you can only do little do what you can. "
Sydney Smith

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