Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 16 - Attitude determines your Altitude!

Today will be our 2nd but last industrial visit for this entire OIP trip! As much as I hope to have more industrial visits, but I know it is not possible already. Hopefully for the future batches, they can have a few more industrial visits! Because each and every industrial visits is really fun and exciting! Besides all that, it opens up your eyes towards each industry and gives you a glimpse of experience of what to expect in different industries! 

This time, we visited the Coca-Cola Factory! Also my first time visiting the Coca-Cola Factory, I was really excited because of its well known international level as a beverage company!

We were first brought to a room whereby they showcased a video that gave us all a better understanding of Coca-Cola such as its history, and what contributions they have made to the society. Besides that, we witnessed the entire process of how the drinks are being filled into bottles or glasses, and then processed, finally into cartons or packages to be sent for delivery! 

Lastly, we were brought to a gallery room that showed almost everything of the story of Coca-Cola, how it all started, and even products and little figurines made in the past all about Coca-Cola!

Witnessing how an international enterprise operates worldwide is really fascinating and incredible! Seeing how fast each and every soft drink is being produced, it only gives you the feeling that this business will only continue to prosper and grow in time to come!

But bear in mind, to operate such huge enterprise, it also means that value-added workers are required! This comes down to the word ‘Attitude’! Once you enter the reception lobby, you can literally see many motivative quotes around you, such as one that says to deliver world class standards! Although being positive when you are working still lies with the worker, but the least Coca-Cola did was to encourage its workers to have a positive working attitude! This is something that is lacking in many international companies! 

Hopefully, in the future, I am able to make an impact in other people’s life as well. Best if I can be as successful and influential as Coca-Cola! Motivating people to excel in their life and strive to do their best in anything they may be doing, be it working or living! If you want to excel in business, the best way is to have others that wants to excel in their area of work as well!

“Having a positive mental attitude is asking how something 
can be done rather than saying it can't be done.”
Bo Bennett

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