Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 3 - Study Hard, Play Hard!

The day that I believe every one of us is afraid of is officially here!
Because this day embarks on the start of our learning journey here in WUST, even though we could have been enjoying our long awaited semester break in Singapore to the fullest!
The first day of having a lesson in overseas, may be tiring and a little pressurizing, but this is exactly the reason as to why we are all here! The first lesson we have in WUST, PM (Project Management), which was conducted in the morning, saw almost all of us were rushing to class because we could not wake up in time. =Y The class’s surrounding is pretty much like any other normal classrooms, just that their classrooms are much stuffy. 
Preparing for class!
It is nice to have our own teachers teaching us modules over here, because we may not feel very distant from the teaching path we had since young. I was totally surprised by how Ms Alicia Hock turned into whenever she teaches a class! It was like she had a total change over to another new person and became someone that is more initiative and friendly. I do not mean that she’s not friendly when she is not teaching, but she became someone that is able to interact better with us! =D

Mr Richard Chia
Ms Alicia Hock

During lunch break, some of us took the chance and went over to a food street just behind our hostel. There were really many stalls with many different varieties of food such as their local delicacies and even Japanese food! 

After our lessons for the entire day, we met up with the local china student leaders to bring us to ‘Wal-Mart’, but to get there; we had to take public transport. This is pretty interesting because this is the first time I am taking a public transport in China! It was totally different from what I have heard from people that had been to China in the past, that once a huge crowd board the bus, the China people will rush to get a seat by throwing their jackets or dashing to it. Instead, I personally realized that they will behave orderly by having to try and move to the back of the bus in consideration for others. 

Public Transport, bus 702

We finally reached ‘Wal-Mart’ and we had much fun over there with the china student leaders! We did some shopping, but the main highlight was definitely the interaction with the china student leaders by playing electronic machines with them! Because of this day, we became much closer to the china student leaders and have become more like a friend instead of feeling awkward with them around. 

WUST student leaders enjoying themselves as well! =D
Other than feeling that this trip may not be worthwhile just because of the studying part, we have to look further than that! This teaches us a lesson that we have to learn that in life, some things are not what it seems. Things may be bad in the beginning, but the end point is definitely beautiful! I, myself cannot assure that this trip is going to be very beneficial and meaningful to all of us, but I do believe that as long as we have a optimistic mindset, any obstacles that come ahead of us is not going to make us fall to the ground! 

Next, I would like to talk about the teacher-student relationships as well as the relationships between us and the china student leaders over here. Mr Richard Chia, our teacher in-charge & Ms Alicia Hock, the teacher that is teaching us PM (Project Management), has now become more than just teachers and students like before. Of course, you may be wondering, how on earth can a few days make an impact on any relationships? This is only possible when both parties pull their down guards and trust in each other, which is what we have all done! We were in better understanding of our teachers now by communicating with them more often and helping each other out. This is definitely less possible to happen in school because once a lesson ends; most of the students will leave the classroom and the teacher behind!

As for the local student-overseas student relationships, I would say that it has been on a smooth journey up till now. With them being so friendly and helpful, it is not very difficult for us to open our mouth and ask them questions we have in mind! Hopefully all of us over here can maintain a good relationship with them as well as within ourselves!

'Fear makes strangers of people who would become your friends. '
Shirley MacLain

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