Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 11-13 - Live Your Life to the Fullest!

3 Gorges tour is finally here! One of the main highlight of this OIP trip, we will be on a cruise for 3 days 2 nights! This cruise brought us along 长江 (Changjiang) and we even had the chance to explore the tourist attractions along the 3 Gorges. As you read on, I will attempt to make u imagine that you’re actually there with us! Enjoy! ;D 

 Let's rock & roll! =D
Lunch before boarding the cruise!

The cruise that all of us boarded, even though it was not a high-end cruise, but it still allowed us to enjoy our entire trip! We even had excess to the roof of the cruise to have better view of the surroundings and there are also facilities like the Karaoke Room and the Games Room for us to relax and chill! 

Group D!
The rooms we sleep in

one of the many ship locks we had to pass through!
Besides all that, we even got to take a specially decorated little boat, entering into a cliff-like place and cruise along the river. The surroundings of the river bear the evidence of past civilizations and the very few families that still stay there. 

Next up, we even went to mini island whereby only a minority of people still lives on it and it has a temple that actually consists of the story of 诸葛亮(Zhu Ge Liang), 刘备(Lieu Bei) and 关羽(Guang Yu). 

To cut the very long of our 3 days 2 nights story short, we also went to the 3 Gorges Dam! This is one really magnificent project that the China Government are trying to complete, and it is said that it will be completed by 2015! 

All in all, I would say that this 3 days 2 nights tour was indeed worth-while! Even though it was supposed to be relaxing while most of us actually slept in much later, it gave us a different experience in China especially for me since I really love travelling!

Although this trip is not one whereby you can recharge yourself because of the lack of sleep, but it was a really enriching one. As you travel and visit from places to places, witnessing how the human civilization evolves throughout the centuries, it makes yourself think back about the past and now the present, most importantly, the future!
From living on mountains, staying near the cliffs, resides on a island much smaller than Sentosa, to modern building structures in cities, till building of a huge project such as the 3 Gorges Dam, all of these are evidences of how we, the human race, did from past till present.
Now we can all sit back and imagine what else could happen in the future. Floating cities above the ocean, flying cars all over the place, or just global warming, environment being destroyed, destruction happening all the over.. Whatever happens in the future, none of us are certain and sure about it, only God knows it.
So live your present life to the fullest! Instead of always complaining how bad you did this, or how much you may be suffering, someone else out there could be in a state many times worst than you! Stay happy always! 

 “Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die today.”
 James Dean

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yu Chuan, interesting account. I'm sure you will remember this 3-gorges tour as one of the highlights of this immersion programme. Keep your blogs flowing please. Regards, Lim Choon Boo
