Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 14 - Putting yourself in someone else's shoes

If you’re ever interested in philosophy, this is a day you can never ever miss! This is what we were taught today during our Overseas Immersion Experience (OIE)! But if you’re those that are not the least bit interested in philosophy, fear not! Because this OIE teacher (Ms Grace Tao) we have, does make learning pretty much engaging and interesting!

We were taught basically about 2 different topics, mainly on the philosophers, and the school of thoughts in China. The main philosophers are people such as (孔子) Confucius, (孟子) Mencius, (庄子) Zhuang Zi, and last but definitely not the least, (老子) Lao Tzu. As for the school of thoughts in China centuries back, we were taught in details about the (儒家) Confucianism, (道家) Taoism, (墨家) Moism, (法家) Lawism, (佛家) Buddhism.

Now, the reason why I mentioned that our OIE teacher makes learning engaging and interesting, is by the fact that she actually put in lots of effort compiling texts from english books to allow us to better understand philosophy, and also provide us short videos instead of just wordy slides! 
Video viewing!
At night, it was the birthday celebration for another classmate! This time round it is Zhen Zhao’s birthday! All of us attempted to prepare a surprise celebration for him, even though it was a rushed plan, but I believe he felt our sincerity! Happy Birthday Zhen Zhao! =D

Ms Hock, Zhen Zhao, Mr Chia
There were also a few local student leaders that came and celebrated the birthday as well! The interesting thing was that, although it seems like they didn’t bring any presents for Zhen Zhao, but actually it’s the tradition for the Chinese here that they only give their presents by secretly putting it in the person’s room, or pass it to the person the next day! 
the local student leaders!

Feeling the teacher’s sincerity and love for us as students, it does really touch my heart to see that even though we may not be her students in WUST, not even for 2 months, but we can always be proud to say that we are once her student! I totally appreciate and thank her from the bottom of my heart for her effort in trying to make us all understand and learn. Hopefully, all her effort and commitment will make us all always interested in philosophy and about China! 

The other thing that I would like to mention is how considerate the Chinese are towards giving the birthday present. Taking into thoughts that not everyone may be able to give a birthday present, they made it a point to either leave the present in the birthday boy/girl’s room or pass it the following day! It made me wonder why I have never even though of such thing before! Instead of making others feel awkward if they did not bring any birthday present, everyone is able enjoy themselves at the celebration. It will be real nice to see if us, Singaporeans, may pick up this tradition of theirs and make it part of our tradition as well! I would definitely try this next time is possible! 

“Learn everything you can, anytime you can, from anyone you can
there will always come a time when you will be grateful you did.”
Sarah Caldwell

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