Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 8 - Be Appreciative!

Just another normal day you may wonder, with OIE class in the morning & PM class in the afternoon, nothing special or interesting event can happen. Definitely not going to allow such thing to happen, when I was given a chance to have a dinner with the local student leaders, I went along with it!

To be honest, it was a decision with some hesitation, because apparently one of the local student leaders only asked one of my classmates out for a dinner. But of course, they didn't mind him bringing along some friends as well! So this friend of mine, in fear of the awkwardness he may face if he goes alone, asked another classmate and me to join him.

Thank God, this decision of joining the dinner with the local student leaders did not disappoint me at all! We literally got to know a few unfamiliar local student leaders that were actually in-charge of the previous batch of OIP students! We were brought to an international buffet restaurant to have our sumptuous dinner!
the dining place!
all the differnt cuisines!

Fun, Joy and Laughter filled the air at the dining place after the ice was broken by one very sociable friend of the local student leaders! She is definitely someone you would not want to miss being friend with because her character is something you may not encounter before in your life! She is so friendly that she can literally chat with anyone she does not know for at least 20 minutes. I am not bragging about this, after witnessing that she managed to have a great chat with the taxi-driver that we tried to bargain with, from the start of the ride till we drop off!

Although these newly-made friendships we all made during this OIP trip with the local student leaders may not last forever, but I believe that this journey of our life in Wuhan will always be part of our wonderful memory. No matter how our friendship with them may evolve in the future as time goes by, I will surely remember the effort they put in for us, the friendliness they showed us, the nice smiles on their faces and lastly, the impact they made in me in terms of relationships such as friendship wise and definitely my cultural intelligence as well.

"Friendship is like a violin; the music may stop now and then, 
but the strings will last forever." 
- Unknown

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