Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 6 - Give a Helping Hand!

CITY TOUR! We can finally be in better understanding of the surroundings we have been in for 5 days! Especially now that we can be to some of the famous tourist attractions to enjoy ourselves!
There are a total of 4 different landmarks that we went during this city tour, let me give you a short description of my feelings about these 4 places! 

Our first stop was the East Lake (东湖), it’s a really beautiful place where you can definitely go and relax your mind and soul and take a break from the overwhelming pressure you may have been getting from your work or studies! It will also be nice to be there with your beloved family or loved ones to chill and relax there! 
Come join us here! =)

The second stop was the Hubei Provincial Museum! As much as I can recall, it is by far the largest museum I have ever been to!  It is a MUST go place if you are a person that LOVES visiting museums or someone that is interested in history! This place is totally filled with many interesting exhibits that you may have not seen before and after visiting this place, you will definitely feel much knowledgeable. Something you can never learn in class, because this is something that makes you feel closer to the past civilizations ahead of us. 

One of the 3 exhibition halls of the museum
some of the MANY interesting exhibits!
Fun but tiring!!
OIP 5th batch! =D

Up next, the third stop was the Yellow Crane Tower! This is one of the famous tourist attractions of Wuhan because of its historical yet memorable past. From the on-going of tourists you can spot there, you can be sure that this is somewhere you cannot miss if you’re in Wuhan! What’s so interesting about this place you may wonder, one of the answer will be that once you are at the top of the tower, you can literally view the ENTIRE Wuhan! Spectacular and Impressive! 
Looking from the top of the tower!
Last but not least, our last stop ends at “步行”, a shopping paradise for shopaholics! This is the place we had been before this city tour, so even without the tour guide bringing us around, we were already familiarized with the place! If you loves shopping or would like to be immersed in crowded places, this is definitely somewhere you can be! 
Not missing out the place we had lunch, it was a restaurant that I believe is pretty famous as well. Why do I say that? Because when we were there, there was also a wedding going on! Not wanting to miss out any opportunity to congratulate the newlyweds, some of us took the initiative and went forward to congratulate them! It’s always nice to see loving couples coming together and vow to the rest that they will love each other till forever! =D
The Newlyweds! =D
If you think that i am going to be talking about the city tours again, you're wrong. Something during this city tour had made an impact on me and I can't seem to stop thinking about it. This incident had made an impact in me as I continue my life, being a perfect person. 
It is about this elderly that is without his limbs. When we were going to the Yellow Crane Tower, we had to go through a underpass. He was one of the few beggars sitting at the side of the stairs begging for money from passer-bys. 
Whether something has happened to this elderly in the past that had caused him to be in this state, or he is a fake, this does not matter now. 
This incident made me feel how lucky and fortunate we Singaporeans are, be it being a perfectly normal person or handicapped, the chances of you being a beggar is literally ZERO! Our Government, Non-
Profitable Organizations or Welfare Agencies will be there to give you a hand. 
However, it is definitely difficult for the China Government to take care of each and every citizen they have when the figure are in billions! 
So, let's all do our part and bring this society to become a better place! If YOU have the capability to help others, why not? =)

" There is more happiness in giving than in receiving."
Acts 20:35

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