Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 15 - Enjoy the Process of Reaching your Goals!

Our first industrial visit has finally arrived! This time, we will be visiting the widely known Wuhan Iron & Steel Company (WISCO)! Why am I so excited? Because this company is so famous that everyone in Wuhan or even most people in China know about this company! 

A short description of WISCO, it is simply the largest company I have ever seen in my life, the land area this company covered is literally the size of our Jurong Island or even bigger! Once you cross over a mini bridge, you immediately enter into their huge territory!

While we’re on our way to the specific showcase factory out of the many factories in there, we kept seeing container trucks passing by us! What’s so interesting about these container trucks is that some of them are carrying dangerous symbols! I heard that in China, it’s pretty hard to find dangerous symbols around, so it will be pretty amusing to find some here!

Entering the factory, we were being led by a mini path along the upper floor to witness through the process of new iron being molded and went through different stages of cooling down and compression to finally become a roll of steel! 
entering the factory!

freshly made HOT iron slab!
 We could literally feel the intense heat coming from it even when we were standing from a distance! It's worst than a suana!
the iron slab being processed!

From being big and short, it became long and thin!
Final product!
inspection time!
The entire storage of finished products!
This industrial visit has really been an eye-opener for me as much as for the rest I believe. From knowing how large this corporation is, till knowing the process of how steel is being made, all of this broadened up my mind about the steel industry and how achievable one company can be! 

However, it is the process of making the steel that struck me. Many people always focus on the result of every path they make, instead of focusing on the way to getting the wanted result. But many a times, it is in fact the process of reaching the target or dream that is going to affect the outcome! 

Seeing how much work has to be done to make sure that the steel is nicely done and completed, really makes one wonder that sometimes, it’s the process of reaching your goals or dreams that makes you grow and be also be appreciative, not just the results you may or may not achieve afterwards! 

 " I do not believe in failure. 
It is not failure if you enjoyed the process. "
Oprah Winfrey

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