Thursday, September 16, 2010

Day 2 - Orientation & Tour around WUST!

The day that officially kick-off our day in WUST, a Science & Technology University in Wuhan, a city in central China. Due to the late sleep I had in the previous night, I had to pull myself out of the bed, and I must admit it really requires a lot of effort! 

We had to gather and meet up in the morning, roughly around 10, and we were brought around WUST. It’s always nice to see people walking around the campus under the bright sun and start their day, some of which I saw were even queuing up in a clinic. 

Next, we were brought to the building that we were going to have our lessons in, named (教四楼); we were introduced to the teachers that will be teaching us the OIE during the 5 weeks. Then, we were also greeted by a few student helpers to bring us around the campus, and even around the areas outside the campus for example the super market near to the campus and places recommended for us to have our meals if we were to have it outside of the campus. 

Our Study Block & WUST's Main Building
 The trip to the supermarket felt like ages, although it was actually pretty near to our campus! I guess this is because we are still not familiar with the new surroundings. While we’re on our way there, we also came across different roads and streets; this really gave us the feelings of being part of their culture, and a part of them as well. Although we may not be of the same country, culture and race for some of us, but this is how human beings get together as one, to understand and interact with each other regardless of race, language or religion! 

Afterwards, Ms Alicia Hock appeared and brought us to a place for our lunch. 
Ohh my! what nice timing this could be? we were all starving already! 
The place where we had our lunch was indeed an eye-opening experience for me as we entered a restaurant that has a wonderful ambience that really caught me off guard because i did not expect it to be that GREAT!  It was huge, spacious, has nice ambience, you may even think it was a 5 stars hotel restaurant!
ONE of the many dining areas
After the fabulous lunch we had, we went back to our hostel to have a free & easy session. 
Ahhhhh~ finally I can get some sleep! 
But the next moment when i open my eyes, it is already 9 o'clock ! Only to realize that the guys, are going to have cup noodles for dinner.. this is only the 2nd night and they're eating cup noodles in the hostel?! Awww man! =(
Group D ! (edward, sheila, yi xian, me) =D

Reflections ! :

I would really love to thank the student leaders here for being so friendly and sincere towards all of us. Although it may be real tough to handle so many of us at one go, but I can really see that they are doing their best to make us feel home.
From the way the student leaders are treating us here, it indeed made me start reflecting on how the student leaders in singapore treat foreigners especially those that are coming over to study. 

The student leaders here, are the type of people that I term 'willing to give but not take', which is a group of people that I truly respect and admire. However, I personally feel that most of us, Singaporean student leaders, are the type of people that's 'more than willing to take but not give'. Because when it comes to finding volunteers to commit some time and effort to entertain the students coming from overseas for an exchange programme, it requires a lot of effort from the teachers just to get enough people. But the student leaders here, are more than willing to commit, spend their time and even money, even though some may not be rich, on us! 

I believe this is what all of us, regardless of race, language, religion or culture, should be doing! This all comes down to the word 'heart', from it comes the sincerity that touches other people's heart.

" A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles."
Washington Irving

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