Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 5 - Take a Break! Have a SMILE!

The day we were let off from studies and can finally take a break! With the help of the student leaders from WUST, we were brought to the city area named ‘步行街’, somewhat like our orchard road.
We had to be ready by 1030 am, however, it became a moment whereby my roommates & I felt real apologetic. Because of how long we took to prepare ourselves, we made the rest of the people including the student leaders to wait for us. Thankfully, none of them were really mad at us. Now, I hope my roommates and I will NEVER be the last room to get prepared because I can shamelessly say that making others wait, and having them to look at you while you are walking towards them is the most unbearable and awkward moment of our life! =Y
We took quite some time just to try and get to the city area, having to cross ‘长江’ using one of the 3 bridges available, we finally reached our final destination over at ‘汉口’.
some of the WUST student leaders!
On the way to 步行街
As the city area is huge, the whole area is literally called ‘步行街’ as well, however the main street of ‘步行街’ is one that does not allow any vehicles to enter and drive thru because there is no road built for them. Before we make our way to the main street, we went around the shopping centers in the area to have our lunch as well as doing some shopping too, NICE! 
Main Streets of 步行街
One of the MANY banks along the streets!
One of the few fire hoses found along the streets
 The bustling activities happening in the area, the never ending street shops and huge shopping malls, thousands of people and car going pass, it totally felt like we’re in a shopping paradise! It may sound wonderful and all, but the bad point of Wuhan I would say, will be the air quality. Because of its current developing revolutions, it has made Wuhan’s atmosphere turn bad, and caused the air quality to decline as time goes by. Hopefully, the government here will start to put in more effort into bringing quality environment for the civilians living in Wuhan. 
Street performance
After we’re done at 步行街’, we were led to take a ship back to ‘武昌‘, and we went to a food street full of the local delicacies. Coincidentally, we actually went into the same stall as our prime minister, Mr Lee Hsien Loong to have the ‘汤包’! We were then brought back to the campus so that everyone can finally relax and chill back at the hostel. Thankfully we have the china student leaders! =D
We're at the opposite side of 武昌!
FUN TIME on the cruise back to 武昌! =)
' F 4 '

Woah! this has been quite an energy consuming day! Which brings me to the point that if you are out of breathe, you may need to re-consider before breathing in the air outside of the shopping malls. Because of the considerable bad quality of the air, it made the atmosphere here bad. Although i know this is inevitable for a developing city, but I would still hope that this earth can become much greener as time goes by! Imagine yourself as one who loves travelling around the globe, but all that you see is ruined environment and devastated surroundings, I am sure you do not feel good at all! So if you sincerely hope this do not happen for our next generation, we should start doing something now! Making a small difference will definitely accumulate to be something big if everyone does the same! So let's do a part for our EARTH! =D

“Don’t blow it , good planets are hard to find.”  
-Quoted in Time

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