Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 9 - Together-ness!

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Looks like this time round for all of us here in WUST, we will not be with our beloved family and friends..
But it’s okay! Because this time round we have got each other by our sides to celebrate with, in this special journey of our life that we may not encounter in the future in a foreign land!

This day first started waking all of us up with a rather pretty cold attitude. Turning the weather from a totally warm and hot sunny day, to a cold yet rather cooling rainy day! I am definitely not one of those that were complaining about the changed weather because it really felt better living in a cooling environment as compared to the hot and stuffy weather we all went through!
Having to experience such drastic change in the weather here was rather interesting, because most of us are excited in a way or another. Some of us were even having fun under the rain! =)

Some of us cuddling together!
Our dirty shoes!
So our night celebration for the Mid-Autumn Festival finally begun, with our group (D) in-charge of the bonding games! I would like to thank my group for the time they spent and also making effort and commitment to fulfill the tasks we were asked to handle! Hopefully, everyone had lots of fun and laughter for this specially celebrated Mid-Autumn Festival in WUST! 
The guys, with one of the local student leaders!
Girls' special performance! (Y)!
Group D!
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!
 Despite not being able to celebrate this special festival with our beloved family and friends back in Singapore, but this year, we had a different kind of celebration! This is something that you may not experience especially when you're with 21 other friends in a foreign land! 
Also, although we may not have celebrated with the traditional way back in Singapore whereby all of us will carry a lantern and walk around, (because the people here does not do that and we do not really want to be mocked at) some of us brought a wishing lantern that will in fact float into the big cloudy sky! This shows that sometimes, the traditional way that we Singaporeans thought we had been doing all along, may in fact, not be the authentic tranditional way! 
Nevertheless, it does not matter who's way of celebrating a festival is the traditional way, but its the matter of you celebrating it and who you are celebrating with!
This gives me the feeling that no matter where you are, as long as you have friends around you, everywhere seems like HOME! 

"I will, from this day strive to forge togetherness out of our differences. "

Josefa Iloilo

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