Saturday, October 2, 2010

Day 18 - Procrastination

Another afternoon off for us to catch up the blog posts that we have been delaying. To be honest, I am really behind time, why? I guess this is because of the procrastinating habit of mine that have been inside of me since I’m born! Ohh wait, I’m pretty sure that I was better when I was young!
So in the end, as expected, I did not manage to complete them. Not because of the laziness in me or whatsoever, it was partly due to the internet connection speed here =p
After all the ‘hard’ work, some of us went out to have some fun! So before the highlight of the day, we went over to the MacDonald’s to have our dinner. After the international fast food, we are finally ready to have some FUN!  

We will be going to the Karaoke Lounge to sing the stress away!  Seriously, the KTV Lounge here in China are very cheap as compared to Singapore, I guess this is because of the rental fees that these businesses have to pay.
So let the FUN begin! 

Although not all of us know each other well still, but all of us still managed to put aside our little awkwardness and sing our hearts out! Hmm, okay, maybe not all of us, but for most of us I believe! =Y

Sometimes after fun and laughter, all it comes to you is the stresses from studies, or anything that you may want to excel in but have not reached your goal yet. The reason that I can think of now, is not because of whichever things such as luck or that you do not have the ability to do it, in fact, it is because of the laziness in people or the procrastination that many people likes to do, especially myself.
Having to do blog posts every day, although pretty energy, time and mind consuming, but it teaches me a lesson. If you procrastinate and try to delay the blog post by one day, it will start to accumulate. As days goes by, when you are finally ready to start doing it, you realize that the stress becomes too overwhelming and you start feeling breathless. When you want to go out and have some fun with your friends, there is an invisible hand that pulls you back to origin of stress.
So, procrastination is something that has only bad points instead of good. I really hope in the future, I can be a better man of my words and finish the tasks handled to me in a planned and ordered manner. Bless me for my future! 

   “Procrastination is the grave in which opportunity is buried.”

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