Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Day 21 - Competitiveness!

The day most of us feared is here! The almighty FIRST written test that brought along the many joy and pain even before it appears in front of us.
Having to revise and study for the test sometimes does make us breathless. But the joy of studying together with the new classmates does keep those pains away! 

Test begins! 

After the hard fought 'war' in the classroom, we are finally back to the normal civilization! Now, we are back to having to discuss other stuffs, our PROJECT! As it nears the final project presentation, all of us here can definitely not afford to waste any time and have to complete the project within the given time! 

I have been thinking about this issue lately, studies. When most students think about studies, they will most likely mention that it is really stressful to study. But I feel that this is largely due to the level of competitiveness in one's surrounding. Sad to say, even many other friends not from my class, admits and agrees that they can also feel that my class's competitiveness is very high.
I know this is inevitable, as everyone strives to do their best and get the best result they could get, which can also be a motivation for those that do not study much. But sometimes, overwhelming pressure coming from such competitiveness may backfire!
To be honest, I do not have a perfect solution to this problem faced by most of my classmates, including myself. I just sincerely hope that no one will get hurt or demoralized in the process.  LET'S FACE THIS FIGHT TOGETHER! ALL THE BEST EVERYONE!

“The essence of competitiveness is liberated when we make people believe that what they think and do is important - and then get out of their way while they do it.”
 Jack Welch

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