Sunday, October 10, 2010

Day 26 - Sometimes it’s the journey that counts

Most of the time, when you want to reach your desired destination, all it comes between you is the hardships and obstacles you have to face to get there. This is the exact case for all of us here to reach Wu Dang Shan, a renowned tourist attraction in China and is very well-known around the whole wide world!

The bus journey to Wu Dang Shan

And another bus journey up the mountains

Still, another bus journey down the mountains in the night.

The bus ride down the mountain was like a roller coaster ride! I can tell you it is definitely one of the most exciting yet scary rides of my life! With sharp corners and turns, the bus that is fetching us went up to 70km/h (i heard), and imagine when the bus needs to turn, your heart will almost drop out. Nothing to do with the ability of the Shi Fu, it is just that the road is really narrow! 

I remember that one of the reflection I have talked about is something to do with the journey to getting what you wanted. This time, all these became more truthful and realistic as I get to go through the thick and thins of getting to Wu Dang Shan, not mentioning climbing to the Golden Submit, which is going to be our main highlight tomorrow!

As we all go through the different stages of life, at times, things brings us down, but it is never going to stop us from getting up and continue moving on. Especially, the moment whereby you finally reach your destination, the sense of achievement and accomplishment, is something that words cannot describe! So, remember to keep moving on no matter how tough your life may be now, your future will be better! =D

“That some achieve great success, 
is proof to all that others can achieve it as well.”
 Abraham Lincoln

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