Monday, October 18, 2010

Day 34 - The Departure, The Final Good-Byes

Everything seems so fast, feelings rushing through my entire mind, and before I can even react to it, we are already leaving the hostel with packed luggage, ready to leave for the airport. 

As we leave the hostel, I believe in everyone’s heart, it is not time that is rushing us, but all the different emotions and feelings we have for this place after 5 weeks here. Adding on to the farewell by some of the local student leaders, I really felt the sadness that was floating in the air.

The journey to the airport was really fast to me, even though it lasted near an hour. Because I just cannot bear to leave this place, after feeling these 5 weeks is really short and not enough for me.

Anyway, we finally reached the airport. Had some quick brunch there, and we were on our flight to Guangzhou for transit flight.

We’re back to Singapore! As usual, we were the last few to leave the plane, and some of us took some time off to take a few group shots before we went back to our family. Although there were smiles everywhere on the photos, I believe inside most of us, our hearts could not smile as bright.

Summary Reflections:

As I think through this entire OIP journey, it really felt sad to be typing this last reflection post. This OIP journey of ours is coming to a full stop soon, after completing the major part of this programme, all it is left for us is to complete the leftover matters for our project back in Singapore. This trip to me is really beneficial in a way unlike other trips I have been to. Taking into consideration that we are also there to study, this trip at the same time opened our eyes as we enter a different environment from the one that we have been staying since young. 

Encountering the different styles and cultures of others, understanding and adapting to their way of life, communicating and interacting with the people, it really taught us many valuable lessons that are important in our lives. How we live our life in the past, will definitely be of some difference as to how we live our life after this trip. I am pretty glad that I am part of this OIP batch and I definitely do not feel that I have wasted my time for the past 5 weeks! 

As said and heard before, time really flies when you are having good and happy times. I cannot agree anything more to that! 5 weeks passed by us just like 5 seconds, a blink of eye, and we are already on our way back to Singapore. 

All these thick and thins we have been through together for the past 5 weeks, it appeared and seems like it was all a short movie. The fun, joy and laughter we shared, will be too much to erase off our memory. Not forgetting the newly forged friendships with not only our classmates, the friends from Life Science & Chemical Technology (LSCT), and the local student leaders. Nevertheless, this short movie will always be part of my life on earth!

“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away” Unknown

“Use your precious moments to live life fully every single second of every single day.”
Marcia Wieder

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