Thursday, October 7, 2010

Day 23 - Food for Thought!

Had a little tour further down the area where we sometimes go to have our lunch (Soup Restaurant), this time round we had 炸酱面 at a stall that is pretty near the area. As we walked around the area finding a place to settle down for our meal, we came across some pretty interesting things! 

Coming across 2 men trying to pluck the feathers out of a freshly-killed chicken by the road side! 
A kid trying to study just beside the road side. This really makes me feel very fortunate to be living in Singapore but yet at the same time, I feel that probably this is the reason why some people may be so hardworking in their lives, because of the background whereby they have to grow up in under tough and difficult circumstances. 

At night, some of us went to a new place! This time round, we will be going to建设7 ! I have definitely no idea that actually建设7 is also pretty much like a shopping paradise! There are really quite a number of retail shops and shopping malls in the area, and the most highlighted part is, the night market! 

Sometimes we human, being living in environment that are a lot better than other people around the world but we all just want more and expect more. Such thoughts actually does separates people from being really thoughtful and kind-hearted, giving out their heart and soul for the entire world, compared to the group that just wants and expects more and more from the lucky environment they live in since young. I am not sure if you can understand what I’m talking about, but it’s just a thought of my heart. 

There’s this Chinese idiom that really fits the message as to what I’m trying to convey.
Simply describing it, it says that one lives in a fortunate state, but do not know how fortunate he is. 
I hope this short reflection can change someone else’s life other than mine! 

“Fortunate are those who have learned the best way to get 
is first to give through useful service”

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