Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 24 - First Time to Everything!

There is always a first time to everything you do or have not done before isn’t it? And today, I had a handful of things that were my first time doing it!
Playing many different types of sports available in one place!

Using a pretty much broken down toilet due to stomach that does not listen to my command!
And finally, barbeque in China! 

Although playing basketball, and table tennis is something I have done before in China last year during the YEP (Youth Expedition Programme), but this time, the experience is still somewhat new because of the new surroundings that I have played in!
The facilities available may not be as modern or new as compared to the facilities back in Singapore, but no matter what, it was the FUN & LAUGHTER we all had that was the most important and memorable part! Thanks to the local student leaders for bringing us there to enjoy our day! 

Whenever it comes to first time trying out anything, there are either joyful and memorable feelings or sadness and regretful feelings. But what for be regretful about some things you have done in the past when it was a decision that you have made? 

I can personally feel for those that are still very regretful of what they have done in the past, thinking that what should they have done something that made them so regretful in the future. But always thinking about such regretful past is something that will only make you become unhappy! 

So do you wish to stay unhappy or happy always as you go through your entire life? Move on and stay happy always!

" If you want to be happy, be.  "
Leo Tolstoy

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