Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 20 - Have Fun to the Max!

First time ever to a theme park in China! Just re-thinking about it makes me feel excited still! Although we did not try out all the rides available there, but we did have extreme fun and definitely enjoyed our time there!
What's even more interesting about this theme park that is so different from the other theme parks I have been to? It is because this theme park is really situated in a public park, this means that anybody can enter the theme park whenever they want to. But to enjoy the thrilling rides, you have got to pay a per ride amount of money. 

all the guys that went!
One of the exciting rides!

After all the heart beating rides, we are finally off to have our lunch. Even the venue for our lunch is interesting, because we are going to have our meals in a place called 'Singapore Food Street"! It is somewhat like the food court we have back in the shopping malls in Singapore. 

Although some of the food is not as tasty as the ones we had in Singapore, but it sure gave us some bits and pieces of the taste we have been missing since we reached Wuhan! 

Today have been a really interesting day for me! Although I have been China a few times already, but this is the first time I have been to their unique theme park, and trying out the Singapore Foods here! 

When you enjoy somethings, time will always fly pass within seconds. These are memories you really hope to keep it within yourself and always remember the happy time spent in the past of your life. 

Also, after this theme park trip with 2 of the local student leaders, I really find that we have all become closer friends than before. Although I must admit that communication between us are still a little shaky, but as long as both parties try to make an effort in getting to know each other better, nothing is impossible! Really appreciate their effort in bringing us out to have fun even though they have their own studies to take care of. THANKS!

Alrighty! I have got to be back to study for a written test tomorrow! BYE! =)

“As we express our gratitude, 
we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, 
but to live by them.”
John Fitzgerald Kennedy

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