Sunday, October 17, 2010

Day 33 - Enjoy every moment of your LIFE!

The last day for us to shop, and to spend the entire day in Wuhan. Because the next day, we will be leaving the campus early in the morning and will be on our way back to Singapore. Alright! Let’s leave all the emotional feelings for tomorrow’s post! =Y

So we met up with a few local student leaders and they decided to spend some time with us since we are leaving soon.   

After breakfast, we took the ferry to Han Kou, Bu Xing Jie, it was exactly the same way back in Day 5, when they first brought us to Bu Xing Jie and then we went back to Wu Chang by ferry.

Spent the day at Bu Xing Jie again, this time round we decided to explore further down the shopping district. But as we walk too much further, there isn’t really anything for us to shop, so we went back to a familiar shopping mall that we have been to before.

It was then that some of us realized that we did not have enough time to get all the things we wanted before we leave Wuhan! So a small group of my friends, decided not to have dinner and continue their last sprint of shopping, while the rest of us, that could not resist the hungry stomach going on strike in our body, finally had our dinner! 
Something really interesting happened right then, when we all had to reach back hostel before the curfew time. We needed 4 cabs because of the number of people together, but only 3 managed to get a cab back, after ONE hour of standing at the road side! After trying to contact the last group of people for almost another hour, they decided to make a last resort, to have one of us, take a cab from the hostel back to Bu Xing Jie to fetch them.
I was ‘lucky’ selected, as I tried my best to get there as soon as possible, along with the night views of the city, I realized that I had missed many other things in Wuhan. To cut the entire story short, I fetched them, from the pool of people thirsty for cabs, but our cab was out of petrol, so he left us near the bridge back to Wu Chang, we got on another cab, and we finally reached back the hostel past midnight. 


It was till then, when I was on my way to fetch my friends; I can finally enjoy the night scenery of Wuhan in a peaceful and quiet night. The streets were especially quiet and all you could see is the very few cars roaming in the night. I guess the people in Wuhan finds their bed really early compared to Singaporeans. 

As the cab travelled along the bridge, I had the really sad feeling that this was the very last night I am going to have in Wuhan. 5 weeks just passed by in splits of seconds, and we will be leaving in another few hours time. I can only have myself to blame for not treasuring all of the moments I had during my stay in Wuhan for this past 5 weeks.  

The night saving cab, made me learn something really important as we live throughout our entire lives. Treasure every moment of your life and live like there is no tomorrow. Because us human, always only realize that time is really precious and every moment of our lives can be really memorable no matter how big or small they are, in times of desperation or when we are leaving the world due to unforeseen circumstances.

“Treasure the love you receive above all. 
It will survive long after your good health has vanished.”
 Og Mandino

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