Friday, October 15, 2010

Day 31 - Last Minute ( Good or Bad? )

Shopping spree once again! As the days count down to the flight back to Singapore, most of us are feeling the rush to buy more things as we have not bought enough things for ourselves as well as our family and friends back in Singapore! 

Today, we went back to the shopping paradise at Bu Xing Jie. This time round, everything felt somewhat different, because of my new hair style I guess. =Y

Breakfast at a Fast-Food Restaurant!

The rest have been saying umpteen times that it looks good on me, but personally I do not quite like it. I guess I am still not used to it.

Finally able to get some things back for my family and friends, although it is definitely still not enough, but I am slowly reaching the ending point for my wealth here! So, I’m so sorry for those family and friends that I cannot get a gift for! Rest assured, there will be another free day coming our way to shop again, I will do my best to get more gifts! 


Isn’t it funny when people always complain that they do not have enough time to do something even when they were actually given a lot of time before the deadline draws near? Sometimes, it really does amuse one to see how others react to situations like having things to do but do not have enough time to finish doing it. It then makes you wonder why they only wanted to wait till the very last minute to get the jobs done when they could have settled it much earlier than expected. 

But come to think of it, sometimes, it is only at the point where people are being rushed, that they manage to do something even better than before! Isn't it really interesting how human react at times of crisis?

Thankfully, the situation now for everyone of us is just not having enough time to buy gifts back for our family and friends. If it is something really important, I assure you that every one of us will be causing some serious trouble already.

 “Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute”

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