Sunday, October 3, 2010

Day 19 - Smile makes the world goes round!

Hooray! An official break from the oncoming stress from both studies and projects! We have got the entire day for us to SHOP! When it comes to shopping in Wuhan, the first place that comes into mind is 步行街 (Bu Xing Jie), a place that is somewhat similar to our Orchard Road!
To make sure we have more time to shop around the area, most of us actually gathered at 9am and made our way to the shopping paradise!

Meals we had to kick start our day!

Today’s trip was really worthwhile for most of us, except for those that came much later than us! Lucky there will still be a free and easy session during the last weekend before all of us go back to Singapore.

Today is also the Chinese’s first official weekend break from their work because it is their NATIONAL DAY week!  This also means that we have to squeeze with the people here when we shop! Although I am one that does not really like overcrowded places, but sometimes, it does feel nice to see many people around, some smiling because they may have bought something they have always wanted, while some could be happy because they are finally out to have fun! 

Doesn’t the smile on people’s face tell you that they are happy? Let’s put aside the ones that put up a fake front, or just smile to entertain others, because the main focus now is those that are truly happy.

People say sneezing is contagious, but I would say that smiling or just being happy is contagious as well! When you see others smile, you will also feel like smiling isn’t it? So let’s be someone that brings about happiness to others instead of sadness! SMILE! =D

"Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, 
a gift to that person, a beautiful thing."
Mother Teresa

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