Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Day 28 - Teamwork for the WIN!

Morning for us was rather relaxing and rushing at the same time as we had to recharge our body because of yesterday’s successful conquer and that we still have to be back to finish off our project for one more presentation! 

Had one of the many interesting lessons I had in my life for the afternoon PM class! We were told to create a paper bridge that is expected to at least hold a few books that weigh about 1-2kg each! With limited resources of only 30 pieces of paper, and some paper clips, teams have to crack their brain to think of ways to make a bridge that does not break easily! 
Let the test begin!
3rd book! Still adding!
4th book! Not giving up!
5th book!
We did it!! =D
After the entertaining and exciting period of testing out all the bridges each group had made, it was the time for us to evaluate each teammate! As the group leader, I have to keep in mind and notice each and every small detail of my team members’ effort and thoughts for the team. This was indeed an interesting lesson for me!


Personally, I like being part of a team and I enjoy very much the process of working as a team. When we work as a team, things can either be much more complicated or it can get really simple. To find the right team mates is not an easy task, in life, most of the time we cannot choose who we want to work with. So some may be tired of working as a team and decides to work alone, as an individual.

For me, although I have worked with people that may not exactly be a good team-worker, but I am still glad they tried going out of their usual comfortable way of doing things. It really pleases me to see when a group is doing really well together as a team. When achieving big accomplishments, and till finally reaching the target, the work is not done by an individual, but as a team, the togetherness within the team is something that one can never miss! 

All I can hope now is that my group will remain working as one throughout the final days of this OIP trip, as well as when we are back to Singapore to finish off the entire project. I believe this route is not going to be easy, at least we all have each other by our sides to pick those that may be falling and motivate those that are demoralized.

Start as a Team, Think as a Team, Work as a Team, End as a Team.

“Coming together is a beginning. 
Keeping together is progress. 
Working together is success.”
 Henry Ford

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