Monday, October 11, 2010

Day 27 - Be Strong!

We are finally on our way to the GOLDEN SUBMIT of Wu Dang Shan (武当山)! Of course, to reach the Golden Submit is definitely not as easy as it seems! 
Having to part with the wonderful bed! =(
Off the bus to embark on the conquest!
Let's do this!
Let the journey begin!
Counting up to estimated 5 THOUSANDS of steps up and down through the mountains to reach the top, many could have been demoralized and do not wish to conquer the Wu Dang Shan. BUT! All of us MDE peeps came together as one and decided to achieve something big this time round and gave it our best shot! 

Some of us helping out an elderly making deliveries!
One of the MANY elderly conquering Wu Dang Shan!
Up and down the never-ending steps in front of us as we attempt to conquer the mountain is really exhausting for our mind and body! Our body, being tired after climbing the stairs, and our mind, gets demoralized and feel pessimistic each time we hold our head up and what we could see is only steps that is coming our way. 
Group D!
Seriously, there are really many learning points one can find and learn from it just by climbing up Wu Dang Shan. From just the start, by having the mind to conquer the mountains is already something.
Then, while you are feeling demoralized by all the steps that does not seem to end, people around you are always there to support you, encourage you, motivate you when you are feeling down.
Also, you see that there are actually many families staying at the mountains. Some may set up stalls to earn some income, some decided to carry people up and down the mountains, while some made deliveries up and down the mountain to supply the goods for the stalls up along the mountains. Really admire those that will fight against the odds and be someone that can contribute to the society especially to their families.
While you’re on the way up the Golden Submit, you can see many people giving up just before they even reach the top, this can either make you feel like giving up too, or be the strong one, gaining more and more confidence that you can do better than them!
Some may prefer the easier way out, by hiring people to carry them by sedan chairs. I am definitely not saying such action is wrong, because this gives the people staying there some income for their families.
There are also some that insist of climbing up the mountain with pure effort and determination. Like one elderly that I came into contact with when I was climbing up the mountains. She has this strong determination and mind that she really wants to conquer the mountains and reach the Golden Submit no matter how her body may feel tired and exhausted. Because it is the GOAL that she has in mind that gives her all the strength and power she needs. And I believe she is definitely only ONE of the MANY other elderly that reached the Golden Submit with all they have got. They are sure to feel really accomplished and overjoyed when they reach the top!
This trip up the mountains to conquer Wu Dang Shan is really very beneficial and meaningful at the same time for me personally. I am really glad that I did not miss such opportunity that one could grow and learn so much just within one day. =D

“Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough.”
Og Mandino

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