Thursday, October 14, 2010

Day 30 - Comfort Zone

The last lecture we had in the classroom that allowed us to learn and study. I bet the classroom is going to miss us as much as we do! Hahah! 

Comfort zone, something that I believe, makes you feel care-free and stress-less. But once you step out of it, the outcome can either be devastating or wonderful. Today, I had somehow randomly stepped out of my ‘hair comfort zone’. I have changed my hair style unknowingly! 
If you ask me how I feel after my hair style has changed, I have seriously no idea how to answer you, even though it may sound really simple. But what my mind is telling me is that I really dislike my new hair style! Guess I am not any bit used to the new hair style, despite some of them saying it was pretty okay for me.

Let’s hope this new hair style will get better as days goes by! =Y

Actually what triggered the change I wanted for my hair was when the hair stylist said something that really struck me. She said that since I am already in the salon, this means I should dare to make a change, if I do not want to make a change, I would not even have been here. Trueee.. but I have never expected her to totally change my hair style! Because I was only thinking that she meant the colour of my hair! 

Comfort zone, to me, is not just about the usual ‘getting to know people’, but it stretches way beyond purely just social circles. Anything that makes you feel uncomfortable or something that requires you to put in much effort to think whether you should do something is already a step out of your comfort zone. 

But at least you dare to make a change for yourself! No matter how the outcome may be, at least you have given it a shot rather than not knowing what could have happened instead. Applause for myself! 

“Move out of your comfort zone.
You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new.”
Brian Tracy

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