Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Day 29 - Understanding Each Other!

It is finally the day of Cultural Exchange Performance! It was really an unexpectedly fun and enjoyable part of our trip here in WUST because of various reasons! 
BUT! Before I bring you to the actual event, I shall let you know what all of us did in the morning! Nope, it is not the last minute rehearsals that I am going to talk about, but the final project presentation that all groups have to do! Along with a short trailer of the video for our project, groups had to present about the overall project progress, how it was done, and what is the final results.

PS: I was really surprised yet happy as to how our trailer turned out! =D

So it is finally the day that many of us have spent time and effort in summing up a line of performances for the students in WUST! 

Performing to a crowd of around a hundred people (originally we though it will only be to the student leaders), was more than just nerve cracking!

One of the performance by the local student leaders!
Performance by LSCT!
MDE Ladies Performance!
MDE Guys Performance!
It was a day that I think was really important not just for the student leaders, but for us all as well. Because, we are not just purely students that are here for Immersion Programme, but also a group of people representing Singapore and Ngee Ann Polytechnic. Truthfully, I feel that this event was a success! Even though it may probably had started a little off the initial timing and ended off quite late, but I believe everyone that was present had a good time! 

I feel that such cultural interaction was really very important to not just everyone that was there, but also the relationship between China and Singapore. Of course, we will not directly bring the relationship level between both countries higher, but we have definitely impacted the hearts and souls of the people. Now, all of us not only get to know China better, but also our own country better! 

 “All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered; 
the point is to discover them.”
 Galileo Galilei

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